Our adventure began in 1998 with the purchase of a Honda Goldwing motorcycle, a two-man tent, 2 sleeping bags and a dream to camp on the beach. Our first camping trip together was in Destin Fl, on the beach in 100 degree weather. On the Wing we have since camped our way through almost every state as well as Canada visiting many State and National Parks along the way. We can’t tell you how many times we said “one day, when we get our Coach, we are going to come back to this area and spend some quality time”
Well that day is here, we still have the Wing and the two-man tent, but the new addition is our Georgetown Coach and Jeep Wrangler. We are excited to re-visit so many places across the US, immerse ourselves in the local culture and explore living in new locations.
So, join us in our journey as we re-explore, re-set and re-lax. We are Steve and Terri Bradburn encouraging you to travel with us as we follow our prescription to enjoy life…we are RV Therapy